Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Silence Communicates

Silence also communicates. Sounds little oxymoronic but holds true.

It communicates acceptance when someone is being accused of something. Another instance where silence really works is showing your anger. Nothing is more killing for a person when someone close is angry and displays it by complete silence. Moreover, when someone is in a state of shock; one really loses the power to communicate verbally.

I thought these were the only ways in which it was possible to communicate through silence. But when I came across this example, I could not stop appreciating the power of slience.

“Sherlock Holmes once solved a murder mystery based not on what happened but on what didn’t happen. Holmes remarked to his assistant, Dr. Watson, about “the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime.” Watson, surprised responds, “But the dog did nothing in the nighttime.” To which Holmes replied, “That was the curious incident.” Holmes concluded that the crime had to be committed by someone with whom the dog was familiar because the watchdog didn’t bark.”


  1. I blogged about the exact same thing!

  2. i liked ur views on silence.. hope you did well.. in between did u meet one of my frds Akhil Mohan Gupta.. very similiar in personality to you i feel...
